Post the final rules of your game no later than the beginning of class tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. 1
Sabarna, Zeina, Adam T, Adam Z and Yassine
11/29/2011 08:43:57 pm

Snakes and Ladders
Aim of the game: For the first player to move across, up, or down the 100 squares and reach the end.
Player: 2+
1. Each players roles 1 die and the person with the largest number starts. 2. First player rolls 2 dice and moves to the right.
3. Same with all other players.
4. If a player lands on the snake's head, they move down all the way to the end of the snake.
5. If a person lands on the base of a ladder, the player goes up to the top of the ladder and continues there.
6. The winner is the first person to land on the 100th square.

Noha, Heba, Farah, and Aly
11/30/2011 12:21:39 am

1. You roll the dice, and you move steps forward accordingly.
2. After moving your steps, you answer a question we pick from the cards.
3. If you answer correctly you get to stay in your place.
4. If you do not answer correctly,you move back to where you were before.
5. If you have a partially correct answer, you move back one step.
6. Players : 2 to 4 players
7. To start you play rock paper scissors to see who starts.

Sabarna, Zeina, Adam T, Adam Z and Yassine
11/30/2011 02:03:43 pm

Snakes and Ladders
Aim of the game:For the first player to move across, up, or down the 100 squares and reach the end.
Player: 2+
1. Each players roles 1 die and the person with the largest number starts.
2. First player rolls 2 dice and moves to the right.
3. Same with all other players.
4. Whenever a player lands on a square, they need to take a card and if the get to answer correctly, they can move.
5. If the player doesn't get the answer correctly, then he waits his turn.
6. The player takes a card same color as the square they landed on.
7. If a player lands on the snake's head, they move down all the way to the end of the snake.
8. If a person lands on the base of a ladder, the player goes up to the top of the ladder and continues there.
9. The winner is the first person to land on the 100th square.

Ike, Karim, Dina, Yehia, and Mazen
11/30/2011 07:16:27 pm

A twist in dynasties rules:

Money: Each player starts with 1500 yen.

Banker: One player is a banker. The banker plays the game but also keeps all the money. The banker is incharge of giving out and taking money. They also sell the houses.

How to play: Each player in throws the dice. The player with the highest total starts the game. You put the thing your going to play with on the corner marked go, then throw the dice and move your player the number of spaces indicated by the dice.

Go: Each time a player's character lands on or passes over go, by any way, the player will get 200 yen from the bank.

Buying property: When you land on an unowned property you can buy that property. The bank gives you a title deed which shows that you own the land Put the title deed in front of you.

Player's rent:When you land on a property owned by another player, the owner collects rent from you with what the title deed card says for that land.

Jiao and Yuan:
When you land on Jiao or Yuan ,take the top card from the deck indicated, follow the instructions and return the card face down to the bottom of the deck. The "get out of jail" card is kept for the player until it is used and then returned to the bottom of the deck. 

Income tax: If you land here you have two options: You can pay your tax at 200 yen and put it in thr middle of the board. 

Jail: You go to jail if you stand on the place marked "Go to jail" 

The Great Wall of China
If you land here, you collect all the money from tax and if someone had to payfrom Jiao and Yuan.

Houses: You can build a house on any property you own, if you answer a question. If you get it wrong you cant build.

How do you win:
You win if you are the richest player.

Christiana, Miral, Laila, Sarah-Luna
11/30/2011 07:56:47 pm

Directions For World History Project

Ages 14+
Players: 2-6

1- Roll dice to start
2- If you land on the Grill square, proceed to pull out a card from the Grill pile.
3- After completing clause #2 proceed to read the question out loud.
4- After doing so, answer the question
5- Go on to pull out the card that corresponds to the number on your Grill card in your hand.
6- If the question is answered correctly, you may move, but if it is answered incorrectly, than you stay in your place
7- If you land at The Himalaya’s then you go back to start.
8- If you land at a square with a question mark (?) then you pull a card out from the (?) pile. You have to do what the card tells you to.
9- First one to arrive at the Huan River is the winner.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    November 2011

