The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) were created by the United Nations in 2000 to work towards the eradication of poverty by the year 2015.  We are only a few years away from this target date but have not fully achieved these ambitious goals.  I would like you to weigh in on these goals.  Of the 8 MDGs, which three do you think are the most important ones to achieve in order to end poverty and why do you think that?  Which ones do you believe can actually be achieved and which ones do you think are going to prove more difficult?  What, if anything, do you think your country (whatever one you feel most affinity towards) could or should be doing to help achieve the goals?  What, if anything, do you think you could do personally to end poverty by 2015?
10/17/2011 03:41:47 am

The most important MDGs to achieve are eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality and empowerment of women, and to ensure environmental sustainability. The hugest threat that faces humans on the top of the Earth is famine or hunger. Dying out of hunger or famine is indeed the most inhumane and painful way to die. Of course, famine and hunger are caused by poverty. Poverty affects all aspects of life; if someone is poor, he can't eat, resist diseases, help develop his country and he also can't acquire a good education. By solving the problem of poverty, we kind of resolve all the other issues. It is also crucial to focus on the empowerment of women and gender equality. It has been proven with time that most jobs that men do, women can do, and might even do better. Empowering women and educating them would mean a more literate and smarter population that could help boost the country's economy. Last, it is important that we preserve the environment. Most of the things that we need to survive come from the environment, like water, air, and food (plants and crops).
The MDGs that could possible be achieved are the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases, and developing a global partnership for development. I think it would prove more difficult to achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, and ensure environmental stability.
Egypt should focus on achieving universal primary education. In Egypt's situation, they should focus that everyone in the country gets a primary education. However, for that to be achieved, Egypt also needs to focus on raising most of its population over the poverty line. I think all this can be achieved by electing a government that would be able to embark on projects that would help the economy and provide more jobs.
Personally, all we can do is raise awareness and try to help as much as we could. For example, we can help preserve water and minimize personal use that might be unnecessary.

10/17/2011 03:55:52 am

The United Nations created eight Millennium Development Goals working to end poverty around the world. I think the most important goals to achieve in order to end poverty around the world are, to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, and combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases. Many people earn less than $1 a day. Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger is very important because it will allow people to earn more money in their jobs and therefore, they will be able to feed their kids. So, there will be fewer poor people in this world. Also achieving universal primary education will greatly affect poverty around the world. The more educated people there are, the more they will be able to survive without hunger and reduce poverty. Educated people will be able to work better jobs that will allow them to make more money. I think the most important goal to end poverty is combat HIV/Aids, Malaria, and other diseases. 7,400 people every day are infected with HIV and 5,500 die from Aids. Also, half of the world population is at risk of malaria. Many people all around the world are dying from diseases. Curing these diseases will allow more people to live and so they will be healthier and will be able to work. The more people working, the less poverty there will be. I think eradicating extreme poverty and hunger will be impossible because it is really hard to end poverty all over the world. Of course, it will be limited, but there will still be some poverty in some countries. Poverty rates fell from 46 percent in 1990 to 27 percent in 2005 in developing regions, but if this continues, about 920 million people would still be living under the poverty line, in 2015. Also, achieving universal primary education will be really hard because the pace of progress is insufficient to ensure that all girls and boys will be fully educated, by 2015. It will also be really hard to promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, and ensure environmental sustainability. I think combating HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases and developing a global partnership for development can be achieved. I think Egypt should be able to educate more people. Everyone should be able to have a full education, and so more people will be over the poverty line, instead of below it. We, as individuals, can pay some money to organizations that help end poverty. When everyone in the world pays a little, a lot of money will be made to help the poor all around the world.

10/17/2011 04:08:47 am

I think the three most important goals are eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, and promoting gender equality and empowering women. I think these are the most important because eliminating extreme poverty and hunger will help people globally to survive, have a better life, and provide a better life for their children. Getting rid of poverty will help people to possibly find jobs and make a hard-earned living for their families. This overall, helps the economy of the country they are in. With education, people can get better jobs and work to provide for their families, have their children have better lives for generations to come, and lead a more accomplished lifetime. Promoting gender equality and empowering women helps to let women live productive lives by dominating the business world along side men. Many believe women should have the same salary as men and job positions. Getting women to be inspired to fight to get to the top with forever change our global economy for centuries to come. I believe destroying global poverty will never be achieved because there will always be a hierarchy of social classes. Few will be very rich, with the majority of the middle class making up the next level, and there will be paupers left at the bottom of this hierarchy. We can reduce poverty, but never fully get rid of it because there will always be someone to blow all their money or make a financial mistake (or some other precarious situation), in which they end up being poor. I think world hunger cannot be stopped completely if poverty is not. I think we can achieve universal primary education because many countries would like to be educated, they just don't have the resources, etc to educate their people. At least, we can educate people until they are in sixth grade. High school and college is another story because it depends on the country or person (whether they want to learn or can afford it or not). I think we can achieve gender equality because if we empower women to work hard and work alongside or above men in the workplace, we can greatly influence future economies to come. I think Egypt or the United States should help Papua New Guinea (or other countries) to establish a more efficient trade system, so that they can eat other foods, not only the "sago" trees. This can stop them from dying of starvation and malnutrition. The U.S. or Egypt can provide them with funding to help them build schools to educate their youth and become a bit more civilized. With proper education, and encouragement from the U.S on gender equality, the women of Papua New Guinea will change the country's economy and dominate it. Personally, I think we should help raise money to build schools, give money to the poor occasionally, and spread the news about gender equality to try to empower women all over the world.

10/17/2011 04:18:20 am

After reading the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) I found it very affable that the United Nations has all these goals to eliminate poverty. Of the 8 goals I thought that 3 are the most important when trying to tackle the situation. The first one, which is goal number 1, would be to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. I chose this one first because hunger comes first. We eat to live. Living in developed counties we have lost the understanding of food. Now food is considered a pleasure, a social undergoing. Once we can eliminate hungry people will start focusing of other things such as education and maternal health. Improving education came second to me; by improving education developing counties can start guaranteeing a bright future for their country. And lastly I chose improving maternal health. By improving maternal health we can have more women and probably children. Once we can improve maternal health we can start focusing on gender equality which will have an impact on development. From the 8 goals I found 4 goals that might be easier in accomplishing, being: to achieve universal primary education, gender equality and empowering women, combating HIV/AIDS and other diseases, and ensure environmental sustainability. The others like eradicating extreme poverty and hunger will prove more difficult because it will take more time to eliminate. Reducing child mortality goes under hunger because with malnutrition and hunger children die. I think Egypt should first focus on poverty because most of the Egyptians are having a difficult life full of despair.

10/17/2011 04:23:07 am

I think the most important MDGs to achieve are to Eradicate hunger and poverty, to Achieve universal primary education, and to ensure environment sustainability. If hunger and poverty are eradicated most of the world's problems would vanish, definitely at least most of the sub Saharan African countries' problems. If hunger and poverty are resolved then it would mean that jobs are offered to people who need them to survive and to maintain the well being of their families, death rates would increase dramatically and development rates would increase enormously. If universal primary education is achieved, then people would be more aware of the different diseases and viruses and how to avoid them, which will probably also decrease death rates, and also many more students could potentially be future scientists and be helpful to technology and development, not to mention that it would also help eradication hunger and poverty, because if a person has education, he/she is able to get a job and earn money. If we ensure environment sustainability then health problem would definitely decrease significantly, and safe drinkable water would be vastly available to everyone. I believe combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases might be the most difficult goal to achieve, not only because there are no cures for most of the dangerous diseases out there yet, but also because they are so widely spread that it would be extremely difficult to quarantine and control the diseases from spreading further. I believe that Egypt should mainly focus on poverty and education right now, if poverty is resolved everyone would have jobs with a salary fair enough to maintain an average sized family and support them, and also education because if all the children and Adults in Egypt were educated, Egypt's rank among developed countries would elevate and it might even be a trilingual country, not to mention that educated people know how to run businesses, so naturally the economy would boom if run by educated people. as an individual, there isn't much i can contribute to theses goals or processes, but i can however raise awareness and try to help as much as possible.

10/17/2011 04:25:48 am

The three most important goals to achieve would be eradicating extreme poverty & hunger, achieving universal primary education, & ensuring environmental sustainability.
The first out of these three is extremely important, because in the event that such a goal were to successfully be completed, it would create a form of stability & living that is appealing, & at the same time allows all people to be able to sustain their everyday lives. The ultimate problem behind this goal is that, even with all efforts, poverty cannot be fully diminished, since there will always be a sort of error that makes this nearly impossible.
Education is the second & in my opinion the most important goal that must be achieved. People need the education to gain understanding, knowledge, & logic, & with these aspects can simply know how to make a living & to have intellects of that extent would be greatly beneficial. By giving countries the necessities to form primary education in a stable system, it will give countries efficiency, stability, & allow people to learn so much more than what is already known.
The third goal of environmental sustainability is also important, as our resources like oil & surprisingly water are diminishing. Soon enough, water can end up becoming excessively drunken & used, which is not good since a lot of animals, plants, & people rely & practically live on water. Oil should be saved in some way so that it doesn't run out as quickly as anticipated. Also, the cuttings of trees & the pollution that forms out of factories & various forms of industrialization must be reduced to an extent where it will not create a severe product, such as the ultimate consequences that global warming can deliver. We cannot prevent its results, but we can definitely & hopefully lessen the severities it will bring.
Countries like Papa New Guinea with no doubt need the first two factors in order to be stable. In its current condition, it is not the way these people should be living in such a modern time, & I feel that if they receive their necessities, they can finally get up on their feet & start a long endeavor to success as a country. Countries in similar conditions also acquire these first two factors. As for the third factor, all countries must do something about it, since, in some ways, all countries are contributing to the diminishing of resources.

10/17/2011 04:43:15 am

The three goals that I think are the most important are ‘promote gender equality and empower women,’ ‘achieve universal primary education,’ and ‘combat HIV/AIDS Malaria and other diseases.’ First, I think that the goal for gender equality, which means that women will have equal rights and opportunities, will help reduce poverty. This is because for example in a family if a man is disabled or there are no man, then women in that family can work and if they have very good education then they will income the same as an equally educated man would. Then that family will get rid of poverty. So, women should be equally educated and paid as the men. Second, I think education is very important to each and every student whether they are rich or poor in status. If children all over the world get equal education then they will get jobs according to their intelligence not their background. Therefore, if a poor child is well educated and gets a good job when he grows up, he will get a good job with high income and will be able to get rid of the poverty in her/his family. This way not only one but many children like this would help lessen poverty in a nation. Third, people who have diseases like malaria, they become disable time by time or may even die. This means that these people will not have jobs and eventually become poor. So, the cure for these diseases is necessary to avoid poverty. Gender equality , reduction of child deaths, combating diseases, and developing global partnership for development can be achieved because according to the MDG fact sheet it says that they are slowly getting success in these but no quick enough. However I think that these goals are still easier the goals like improving the environment as it is a broader subject. To improve environment, they have to care about a lot of things like water, factory chemicals, pollution, good sewage system, and other things that also relate to health. So, taking care of all these are a lot harder but I think that it can be achieved one day. Lessening hunger means that they have to ensure that all the people in the whole world income well paid salary which is very hard to do. Improving maternal health is another challenge because there are 350000 women dying per year due to these complications. So, to improve it they need to send medications to different corners of the world. I think that a country like India should concentrate on diminishing poverty and hunger, and achieve education for all children. The country should set up more schools where there are very low fees or where education is free (supported by the government). Government should make a rule that no person should be paid less that an amount of money, so that hunger lessens. They should also put low cost for example for wheat so that the bread they buy is cheaper than it actually should be. We should donate money to the organizations that help decline poverty or start working for one of these organizations.

10/17/2011 04:43:30 am

The three most important goals of the Millennium Development Goals are:eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality and empowering women, and achieve universal primary education. There are people around the world dying of famine and hunger and unsuitable ways to live. Some peoples income are less than $1 a day.That is why it is extremely important to eradicate poverty around the world, people will not constantly worry everyday how to feed themselves and their children and their incomes will be higher so they can have the ability to lead a better life. Achieving primary education worldwide will not only affect the people that are educated but will help the entire world because if that happens more people will be offered jobs, that means less unemployment rates, more sufficiency in jobs around the world, and people will be able to make more money so they can live better. Gender equality is also a very important issue we have to cover because if have both men and women working that will create double the income. A wise man once said "if you educate a man than you have one more educated person, but if you educate a woman you educate an entire community". It has been proven that women can do anything men can do. But realistically speaking all of those aspects will never be completely taken care of and gone, but what might happen is that these numbers decrease, and that is what has been happening.Poverty rates fell from 46 percent in 1990 to 27 percent in 2005 in developing regions. And the same goes for education and gender equality.It will be almost impossible to get everyone in the world educated and have them being treated equally. It is because I live in Egypt, that I can understand and visualize all the aspects I talked about above. I wish I could see more people educated and living in better conditions. In my opinion Gender equality is big deal in Egypt, women can't do many of things men can. Men still have control over their spouses and can beat them, I hope that can change.I believe if we all take this seriously and give our effort and money and give it to organizations we can truly change the world.

10/17/2011 04:46:24 am

The MDG's are basically 8 major goals to be achieved by 2015. In my opinion, the most important ones are: eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, and ensuring environmental sustainability. Poverty has to end, and this is what the MDG are for. They are working hard to halve the number of people who are working for less than a dollar a day. These people have to eat. It is not fair that they starve to death. The people in the poor countries have to eat and have money in order to have a good life. They have to be educated. The most important thing is waking up in the morning and not worrying about food. That is why I think this is one of the most important goals that should be achieved in order to reduce poverty: we should decrease hunger and famine. Another thing that is important is education. More people should have access to schools, because if people are educated, then the more likely they are to have better job opportunities. We want to ensure that everyone has equal knowledge, or maybe opportunities. The MDG is focusing on schooling in poor countries, making sure that all boys and girls are enrolled in school. This one is kind of hard, and they think they may not be able to achieve this one even though it's important. Some people think that education is not important, but actually it is. The literacy increases which leads to a more educated population. The third goal is the insurance of environmental sustainability. How could people live in a polluted place, where there is smoke around them all the time? How could they drink water that is extremely dirty? Of course this has to stop. Some countries don't even have basic sanitation services. People won't live for a long time if they are living in these conditions. That is why we should be concerned about the issue of environment. The goals that could be achieved by 2015 are eradication of extreme poverty. The ones that will face problems are: environmental sustainability, improving maternal health, education and developing a global partnership for development. I think Egypt should be more concerned about the issue of education. Not everyone is going to school and most of them are girls. The government has to make sure that most of the people are attending school and specially girls. There is this organization called FFE that provides free education and construct school for girls.

10/17/2011 04:53:10 am

I believe that the three most important goals of the 8 Millennium Development goals are: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, Achieve Universal Primary Education, and to Develop a Global Partnership for Development. Each one of these goals standing alone is great for a country but combined together will better the whole world. By setting the baseline of your main goal, that is to end world poverty, your first goal is to Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. The people need to make money and eat in order to survive and make more money and eat more food. The second goal, achieve universal primary education, is a vital goal that is needed to modify today’s benchmark of primary education and to make it available and to a standard for everyone in the world. By having an educated population, they are less vulnerable to make bad decisions such as not going on to secondary education. Therefore the population is an educated group of people who are good at a certain profession and can add to the services and the products of a country and the world. The third most important goal to me is to develop a global partnership for development, after achieving the first two goals, this third goal is simple to achieve because every country wants to better herself and because they are well educated they know that the best way to do that and use all the resources in their territory wisely is to combine forces and “share” (trade) with other countries to help develop the product or service. I believe that these three goals are possible to achieve but not by 2015, maybe comfortably by 2018. My country, Egypt, which falls short on these three goals, could pull along and succeed at meeting these goals. By doing that it will have a powerful and more significant role on earth as it has a “lucky” geographic location and an educated population. Personally, to end poverty by 2015, I could help by joining more community service projects and try and better my immediate community so that I would educate the people more.

10/17/2011 05:14:08 am

According to my opinion, the 3 most important MDG's are: eradicate hunger and poverty, promote gender equality and empower women, and reduce child mortality. Personally, I believe these 3 goals will end poverty by 2015. I have many reasons as to why I believe that.
Firstly, if we empower women and promote gender equality, this obviously means women and men would be regarded as equals. This also means that women would be granted the opportunity to obtain the same occupations that men currently have. Once this is completed, women will receive the same salaries men get, therefore boosting the economy.
Eradicating hunger and poverty is probably the largest step that will guide us to a non-poor world in 2015. So far, in Somalia, there is a famine occurring now. Aid groups are racing against time to prevent this famine, and to save the Somalians. Many schools near Somalia, like in Ethiopia and Kenya, are raising money and food to help Somalia. This will all go for a greater cause: the end of poverty. Eradicating poverty will be caused mostly by the empowering of women. The salaries will increase, therefore helping the economy. Once the economy is efficient, the people will have more job openings, work, and gain money. Over time, this will wipe out poverty.
Finally, preventing child mortality will play a huge part in this cause. Every day, children from all over the world die. If the number of child casualties is cut down to about two thirds, this will benefit the cause. Children are the world's future. They must be nurtured, and grow up to be successful people. If they are successful, they will work and gain lots of money. This will greatly increase the industry, hence boosting the economy.

10/17/2011 05:23:14 am

Of the 8 main goals, the three most important ones should be, Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger, Achieve Universal Primary Education and combat HIV/Aids, Malaria and other diseases. The first one because obviously there will remain poverty until people are still earning less than a dollar a day. To achieve universal primary education is a must, because the more the literacy rate, the more ideas start coming in, henceforth less poverty. HIV/ Aids is spreading like anything and if we can find a way from stopping it from spreading we can save our resources and use it on other purposes.
Promoting Gender Equality and Empower Women by 2015 seems like a get-able target and should be done. This is because I can already see it taking place. Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger is way too broad and seems to big of a job to finish by 2011.
I think Indian government should get in this game and maybe start asking for help or starting their own initiative. We have a large population but we lack good education and there is big difference between the rich and the poor. Personally, I can try in my small little ways. I can create awareness for the people who don’t know about what’s going on these poor nations. I can start my own campaigns and raise money for the poor and etc. All in all, people and governments of the world should unite now to create a more equal place to live in.

10/17/2011 05:40:49 am

The MDG is an organized system willing to cause a global effect; therefore, goals should be met in order to solve the international complications. The three most important MDG’s are to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, and develop a global partnership for development. First, in 2005, it was expected that there is about 1.4 billion people that live under the international poverty line of $1.25 a day. Many countries, such as Somalia, are suffering due to hunger and famine. Food plays a huge role for an individual to sustain the health and ability to survive. Second, education is the key towards the success of the future generations. When children get educated, they will learn new information that will lead them into coming up with new ideas to make the world a better place. The use of technology, books, and in-life experiences are all tools of education. Also, when the percentage of educated individuals rise, unemployment and crime rates will decrease. Third, in order for poor countries to improve, developed countries should provide them with assistance. There are solutions like the provision of utilities such as technology, shelter, medications, and money. Debt has become a major problem for the least developed countries. If developed countries lift debts from poorer countries, then these countries will focus more on the problems they face inside not outside the country. The goals that are easy to achieve are to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, and develop a global partnership for development. Promoting gender equality and empower women, combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases, and ensuring environmental sustainability are ones that are more difficult to complete. Egypt needs to focus more on achieving universal primary education. Education in Egypt is currently on a low level; therefore there is a high rate of unemployment. If we improve education in Egypt, we will have educated individuals as tools into leading the country out of poverty and into the rise of development. We as individuals can contribute globally by helping our community through organizations and school services. We can assist the poor and help the environment by providing money, food, and shelter.

10/17/2011 07:15:08 am

The three most important goals to end poverty are to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, and develop a global partnership for development. A huge percentage of the globe suffers from famine. Hunger can lead to things like malnutrition and death.
Dying from hunger is not a death anyone should ever go through. Why should a person die from hunger when some people people throw away their food without finishing it. Hunger is linked to poverty, and if poverty is terminated then hunger will not be a problem. If food is not available, then a country will have a a very hard time in developing. People will not have the energy to work, and if they’re working then they’re probably looking for food, and if all their time is waisted on looking for food the country will barely move forward. Education is a necessity which every country should provide. Education leads to work opportunities. Education guarantees a successful future, which can then enhance the chances of an economy improving. The final goal which I think is momentous in the process of ending poverty, is global partnership. Global partnership allows countries to invest it’s money in the country suffering from poverty, which results in economical growth. Economical growth then leads to development, because the money is used to improve the living standards of the countries population.
The goals which I think will prove more difficult are combat HIV, malaria and other diseases, improving maternal health, and ensuring environmental sustainability, because these three goals are linked together, and a lot of money is being spent on incurable diseases which will still exist after they are treated. I personally think that the other goals should be achieved before they star working on the more difficult ones.
I think that Egypt should concentrate on educating its population. When people are educated, they can escape poverty by reaching out to the work opportunities that await them. I personally think that the only way I can contribute to ending poverty is by donating money to organizations that specialize in the field of aiding undeveloped countries.

10/17/2011 08:22:37 am

Of the 8 MDGs, I think the most important 3 goals are: 1-Achieving universal primary education 2-Combating HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases and 3-Promoting gender equality and empowering women.
The reason why I think achieving universal primary education is very important is because those who are educated are more likely to get employed in a better position with a better salary than those who are not that highly educated. When people get better educated, they'll be able to achieve a higher living standard level. Applying that knowledge will help them to further improve that level.
In my opinion, promoting gender equality decreases the poverty rate because when more people work, more people will have money; therefore, will not need financial support from anyone else. If a man gets $20/day and his wife isn't allowed to work, he's going to have to support her by splitting the money with her or at least providing her with food, clothes, and shelter which will cost him 50% or more of his daily wage. However, if the woman has equal opportunities and equal wages, she's going to get $20 on top of the $20 her husband makes per day. $10 of the $40 dollars will be spent, leaving $15 for each husband and the wife. ($30 altogether) When people have more money, poverty will be reduced.
Combating/fighting HIV and AIDS will help decrease poverty because when people are healthy they'll be able to work more. As i said before, when people work more, they'll make more money and therefore, will need little, if any, financial support from any organization fighting famine or poverty. If HIV and AIDS are fought and demolished, the money going to health support will go to another cause leading the growth of the country's economy to improve.

These are very important goals and they're very hard to achieve. I think the easiest one to achieve is gender equality because it's very easy to hire as many women as men in a company. If it's a rule, people will not follow it because that's the way people's minds are functioned. If it's a request, people will respond to the request and start hiring women. The companies will only give the women equal rights if and only if they have equal potential, put in the same effort, and help the company make as much money as the men.
The hardest goal out of the 3 I mentioned earlier is achieving universal primary education. The reason why this is very difficult to achieve is because people who are suffering from poverty would rather have an extra meal than go to school. People with less financial privileges don't really care whether or not they're educated because they don't need education to survive; however, they DO need food to survive.
Egypt can try to help diminish poverty by using the taxes or tariffs and split the money to try to achieve as many of the 8 goals as possible.

10/17/2011 08:27:15 am

Millennium Development Goals consist of 8 Goals that created by the UN in 2000 and will end by 2015. These goals were created to end poverty by 2015. I think the 3 most important Goals created are:

Goal#1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; I think this is the most important because people need food to live, many people die because they don’t get enough income, so their food supply would be little, if this was not a problem, many countries would not have that problem, such as many African countries. Yet it is a problem, may people live off $1.25 a day, which is an incredibly small amount of money.

Goal#2: achieve universal primary education; education plays a very important role in a person’s life. It’s important because if kids in less developed countries go to school, when they grow up they could be able to help their country in a way or another. Something that helped many children go to school was abolishing school fees. In many countries such as: Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, Nepal and Tanzania. There’s proof that there are more students going to school, for example in Tanzania, the enrollment ratio had doubled to 99.6% in 2008, compared to § enrollment in 1999.

Goal#3: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases; these diseases are no joke, about 7,400 and infected with HIV and about 5,500 die from AIDS. Most of these diseases are mostly in Africa. In the packet is says that in 2008, about 33.4 million people were living with HIV, and bout 2/3 of the 33.4 million were in Africa. There was an estimate of about 243 million people worldwide that had malaria in 2008. There are many cases to the point that every 45 seconds a child is killed from malaria. A problem occurred in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, which is that there are new HIV infections, which is going to increase the number of victims who have HIV.

There isn’t really much I can do as an individual, but if everyone works together we could get somewhere and end poverty. Something else we could do is raise awareness, try to save resources, and donate money to organizations we can trust and would help the poor all over the world.

10/17/2011 02:50:09 pm

There are eight Millennium Development Goals that they are trying to achieve by 2015. I think that the three most important ones are achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, and to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Achieving universal primary education is very important because the more people you educate the more work they will have and there will be more development. Illiterate people hardly get money. Promoting gender equality and empower women is very important because giving them the equal right will allow them to go to school, get a job, and gain some kind ok political power. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger I think is the most important. There are still people living whose income is less than a $1 a day. I think that if we are able to reduce the amount of poverty and hunger then more people will survive and get education.
I think the goals that can be accomplished are eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health combat HIV/Aids and other diseases. I think that the goals that will be hard to achieve is universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, ensure environmental sustainability, and develop a global partnership for development.
I think that India can help achieve these goals by making sure that every child in India gets educated. India is working on this now and they have built schools in some villages. The main problem is poverty and hunger. This is another thing that India should be working on. India has a high rate of poverty and hunger.
To end poverty I can help by collecting funds and spread awareness about it.

Autumn Aly
10/17/2011 05:38:55 pm

I believe that the three most important act that we must do in order to save the world, are the following:
- Eradicate World Hunger/Poverty
- Maintaining A Stable Environment
- Universal Primary Education
I think that in the ideal scenario, all of these goals can and will be achieved. These issues are the most crucial ones that need to have solutions as soon as possible. They are all realistic, but at the same time, may all prove to be a very challenging course. To reach a world with no poverty and no hunger may take hundreds of years working through a carefully thought out plan, and knowing that not all countries agree or favor to work together, this might be the hardest of them all. Maintaining a stable environment, that, seems very much possible. Maybe soemthing that could acutally be accomplished in our life times. We need to reach equilibream within ourselves and the land around us in order for species to coexist with each other. And lastly, we must provide education for everyone-at least the minimal basics, such as reading and writing and simple math. In order for someone to make money for their family, whether it be women or men, having an educated background will help them succeed and move forward in the fast paced environemnt in which we live today.
I do belive that my country, the United States, should be contributing to helping all of these goals-even maybe the most. The United States has in it's hands many resources and is able to accomplish most anything they put their mind too. I believe that they could create a huge impact on the world in a positive way if they were to focus their efforts in this direction.
Everyone should put a hand in to help end poverty. I could help by buying only what I need, not spending so much money on unnesessary items so that they can stop producing them. I can conserve water and not take hour-long showers, save clean water for others that absoloutley need it more than I do. There is so much that everyone can do, that I allready know and bare in mind whenever I'm doing simple tasks. The world can really be a better place for you and me.

10/17/2011 06:00:21 pm

I think the 3 most important goals are:
1- Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
2- Achieve universal primary education.
3- Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
An important condition that to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger because you can’t develop country without Elimination of poverty and with education development will come because with education you can make a lot of improvement and you can’t develop countries that have diseases. Achieving universal primary education is easy to do it’s not hard to make organization that its help people to learn give them books make schools. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger it’s less easy than Achieve universal primary education because the people need to eat every day two meals at less and it’s hard to gather this quantity of food in such short time. And it hard I think to Combat HIV/AIDS because some diseases doesn’t have cure yet and some medications are expensive and not all the people have the same diseases so to bring a lot of different medicine to the country its hard little bit. I think that my country can help to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by give them money. I can tell other people to join the cause and to donate to the responsible organization about these 3 targets


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